Sacred Thread Update: March Quarter Moon 2024

Image by Tuan Pham Hello Beautiful SoulBodies  – In my somatic therapy work a big part of the process is cultivating noticing…of our body, our behavior, our unconscious ways of reacting. This is the same practice that we engage in meditation…becoming aware of the habits of body and mind and broadening the scope of awareness…

Sacred Thread Update: February New Moon 2024

Hello Beautiful SoulBodies  – For many peoples in the Northern Hemisphere, this time has marked the beginning of the year. The time when the inkling of birth from death is felt and the felt sense of possibility and a new cycle is in the air. This is the time of the Celtic feast of Imbolc,…

Sacred Thread Update: January New Moon 2024

Hello Beautiful SoulBodies  – I am so tired of the drive to be perfect. Where the hell did that come from anyway? Of course, it’s tiring, because it is unachievable and keeps us locked into a never ending cycle of busyness and grasping. It also keeps us second guessing ourselves and believing that who we…

Sacred Thread Update: December New Moon 2023

Hello Beautiful SoulBodies  – This is the time where we, in the Northern Hemisphere, are invited into the dark and all it offers….rest, quiet, slowing down, germination. Yet, our western society demands more light, more parties, more outward movement. I simply am not interested. You? What is so threatening about slowing down and entering the…

Sacred Thread Update: November New Moon 2023

Hello Beautiful Souls  – I’ve said it before and I will say it again, a necessary aspect of our showing up for life is slowing down. This requires us to feel and there is A LOT to feel right now. In these troubling and heartbreaking times of such extreme loss and cruelty across the planet…

Sacred Thread Update: October New Moon 2023

Photo by Brad Meese Hello Beautiful Relatives  – This past Thursday, October 12, was my 54th birthday. Lately, I have been contemplating my ancestry. Not just the blood lines of those who gave me DNA and life but also those who have nourished me through milk lines and story lines. This can be a powerful…

Sacred Thread Update: Autumnal Equinox 2023

Hello Fellow Humans  – Grief seems to be a constant companion in these days of burning and confusion. We are living with new and unfamiliar ways of moving through the world…much of my summer and fall is given to tracking AQI numbers and wind direction and then feeling the sadness of not being able to…

Sacred Thread Update: August New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Humans  – Someone, somewhere, once said something like, “A broken heart is an open heart”, meaning that if we can allow our hearts to be broken there may be a chance to allow in more love and connection. They are not mutually exclusive, in fact, they are part of a continuum of aliveness…

Sacred Thread Update: July New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Inter-Beings  – Recently, I was in conversation with a group of folks and someone asked for support for an upcoming venture that was feeling exciting and edgy. After we all offered our support and ways of holding this person as they planned to navigate this event, someone on the group thanked them for…


* Musings on living with a body
* Simple practices for enlivening your being
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