Sacred Thread Update: July New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Inter-Beings  – Recently, I was in conversation with a group of folks and someone asked for support for an upcoming venture that was feeling exciting and edgy. After we all offered our support and ways of holding this person as they planned to navigate this event, someone on the group thanked them for…

Sacred Thread Update: June New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Sensuous Humans  – I invite you to pause reading for a moment (I know we just got started!) and notice the textures and temperatures along your skin. Can you feel your weight through contact with the ground…the pressure of your sit bones or feet? Now, take a slow inhalation through your nose… notice…

Sacred Thread Update: May New Moon 2023

Hello Wild Embodied Souls of Nature – There is something emerging with this spring time in the Northern Hemisphere. As the days grow longer and warmer folks are starting to inquire about what’s next in their life? What’s been on the back burner (for the past 3 years or the past 30)? What do I…

Sacred Thread Update: April Quarter Moon 2023

Hello Lovelies – Well I missed my self-imposed deadline of the New Moon for this post. I simply had a very full week and didn’t try to cram it in and overwhelm my system with another demand for my energy and time. Then the weekend arrived and I chose to give myself some downtime, some…

Sacred Thread Update: March New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Humans – In our western society there is a deep drive to have more joy but we seem to go about this in all the wrong ways. We go after things and accolades and even certain kinds of experiences in order to ‘be happy’. But the flip side of joy is grief and…

Sacred Thread Update: February New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Humans – One of the pieces of wisdom I am dancing with right now is the deeper understanding that we humans actually become more human when we are in right relationship with other. Not just other humans but other beings; our more than human neighbors, our green brothers and sisters and all the…

Sacred Thread Update: January New Moon 2023

Hello Fellow Embodied Souls – I have a delicious new morning practice. It is simple and it has profoundly changed how I emerge into the day and engage with life.  After I am dressed, I take my steaming mug of tea in my hands and I step outside. I do not put on any extra…

Sacred Thread Update: December New Moon 2022

Hello Fellow Embodied Souls – Solstice blessings to you! Here in the northern hemisphere we are in the darkest time of the year when the earth invites us to tuck in, settle down and slow into roots and quiet and unknown possibility. At the same time it is a time of welcoming light and fresh…

Sacred Thread Update: November New Moon 2022

Artwork: Healing Hands by Fred Hatt Hello Fellow Body-Mind-Hearts – I have been contemplating the act of blessing lately. Not just the practice of counting my blessings but the practice of offering my blessings to others and to the world. Each of us can offer blessings…yes, you read that right…each of us has has the…


* Musings on living with a body
* Simple practices for enlivening your being
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