Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is...

a powerful listening therapy designed to help regulate the nervous system

Humans need social connection...

I know I do. And I need certain kinds of connection in certain amounts. Somtimes it's hard to come by.

I imagine you might feel this as well. 

Subconsciously, our nervous system is always looking for cues of safety from other people through things like body language, facial expression or tone of voice.

But if we have a harder time interpreting these cues of safety due to past experiences or the way we take in information, our brain and body can misinterpret these cues, limiting our ability to connect in a meaningful way.

This has happened for me with certain people and in certain settings.

How does the SSP work?

Through the specially filtered music, the SSP sends cues of safety to your nervous system, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.

Learn more about SSP HERE. Once you have explored this informational site feel free to reach out to me for a Free 20 Minute Exploration call to see about going through the protocol with my trained guidance.

This protocol works beautifully with Somatic Experiencing® and other forms of trauma and metnal health therapies. I am available to take you through the process whether or not you are currenly working with me or someone else on metabolizing trauma or other stressors.

Zachariah N. Orchard


20 minute Exploratory Session Free

$675 This fee covers initial 60 minute session, access to the music portal and access to me via text for the duration of your listening, however long it takes.

~ Regular session fees still apply while you are engaged in the SSP and any additional partial or full sessions will be billed at the regular full or pro-rated rate.

~ You will need non noise-canceling over the ear headphones. If you do not currently have access to a pair they are affordably available at Target among other places.

How do I know all this?

I have gone through this protocol myself several times and have found it very helpful. I have also taken numerous folks through it and each time I can see how it has helped them move towards their intended goal of more ease and connection with themselves and others.

Would you like some support from me and this process to agument your current therapy?

Would you like to offer your nervous system some new input in a gentle and efficient way to feel more settled and present?

Then let’s get started…


My work with Rainey has been incredibly life-affirming. Rainey has a keen ability to hold space for deep processing and healing in a way that leaves me feeling empowered, respected, and safe. She has a gentle, powerful, and steady presence. Our work together has helped me to relate more deeply and authentically with my loved-ones, to gain confidence speaking boundaries and requests, and to re-engage with the language and wisdom of my body. Through our work I feel more equipped to flow with the cycles of my life, I feel more empowered to keep listening deeply to my truths, and I feel more attuned to my own sense of aliveness.
Environmental Educator

By the grace of serendipity, I stumbled upon Rainey in 2019 after doing a Google search for somatic experiencing therapists as a friend in Japan said it may help me when I was struggling immensely. When I read more about her, I felt like she could help me navigate one of the darkest times in my life even though she was thousands of miles away from where I live and we had to resort to Zoom sessions.  Rainey has been such an integral force in my life’s mission to heal up a broken head and a hurting heart, and as God as my witness, she has helped me more than I ever imagined. Her smarts, guidance, intuition, compassion, and kindness—especially the kindness—has made for one of the best healing balms I have ever known.  I am to this day still humbled at how much I have healed and “feel” like myself in my mind, body, and spirit


I began SE with Rainey last fall and have had life changing results. Our sessions in person were deeply impactful and I was surprised and delighted to discover our virtual sessions continued to deepen our work. I was dubious at first how the somatic piece would translate through Zoom, but Rainey’s ability to witness and offer cues, guides me into my body and now I’m even more aware of the boundary of my own energy.

With Rainey’s grounded presence and skills, I have built more capacity to respond to life without my nervous system being hijacked all the time. Rainey creates a clear and safe container that is both personal and professional, and I feel the integrity in how Rainey practices.


Rainey is a talented, trusted guide in the journey to coming home to ourselves, to our bodies. As a trauma survivor I have found that Somatic Experiencing has been the perfect complement to talk therapy. The seamless shift to online sessions via Zoom has allowed the healing to continue beautifully.


The wisdom Rainey brings to my life reaches deep, because it is fundamentally based in my relationship with myself. Her Somatic Experiencing work has been like a miracle to my soul, healing old, pre-verbal parts of me that I was unable to reach in other ways. What a relief. What a blessing.


I have had several private sessions with Rainey at different times in my life, times when I was content and wanted to dive deeper into my spiritual journey. Other times, when I was in a challenging situation and needed to ground myself. In each situation, Rainey taught me practices to connect to my surroundings and be more present.

Throughout the various aspects of this journey, Rainey has been a supportive, giving, creative and present teacher. She has been instrumental in my personal and spiritual growth. I am grateful and happy to have her in my life.


I walk into the session exhausted or irritated, and an hour later I walk out rested and refreshed. I don’t know how you do it. So it’s magical. Your voice, your skills, and most of all, I think, your love, are so healing. They bring me into a space of relaxation where I can let my nervous system truly rest.



* Musings on living with a body
* Simple practices for enlivening your being
* Upcoming events

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