Sacred Thread Update: January New Moon 2025 (a few days late)

Hello Dear Embodied Siblings  –

Here we are directly experiencing the collapse of empire and much of the ways of the world that we have known. This has been going on for a longtime and will most likely go on for a lot longer.  The Hindu and yoga traditions call this time The Kali Yuga and it has long been prophesied to be the darkest and most challenging of all times (lasting many thousands of years)! Francis Weller speaks of The Long Dark and Joanna Macy, the founder of The Work that Reconnects, calls this time The Great Turning. There is a lot to be heartbroken, scared, and utterly confounded about…and yet there is also possibility and invitation here…just as there is every winter in the darkness as seeds germinate.

It’s during these times that we might simply want to bury our heads in the sand and try not to look or try to do everything we can to stop it. But many of the teachings for this time suggests another tact. That we are invited to look deeply and see and uncover what has been forgotten…ahhh, yes, this is another name, The Great Forgetting. What has been forgotten?…the deep interconnected ways that life lives…the potency of initiation with a clear container of fierce love…the respect of what and who has gone before…the ever present consideration of who is coming after us…the delight in difference…true community humans and with all beings…

We are being called to Re-member…the people and places in order to bring them back into right relationship; to re-collect the ways we know in our bones that life is lived in truth, awe and respect; to look for the medicine inside ourselves and in others and call it forth. And this will not be all accomplished in our life time and probably not for many generations. So we are forced to reclaim the knowing that what we do is not just for us but as an honoring for those who came before and a gift for those you will yet come. 

So what can you bring to this corner of the world that so desperately needs what only you can bring? How do we re-ensoul the world so that there are threads of beauty, community, ritual, song, dance and more that can be pulled upon in future times? This is the inquiry…how do I bring more of myself to the collective, so the collective can feel itself fed and nourished. No act of remembering is too small, no word of acknowledgement is lost and no moment of presence is forgotten.

What are some of the ways I am seeking to re-claim my own soul from this time and offer something back? I am committed to my practices of presence…embodied movement, meditation, conscious speaking, sensory aliveness. I seek out and participate in communities that endeavor to bring forth simple and also important ways of knowing and being together…singing for singing sake, dancing for movements sake, grief rituals, meditation, liberation and anti-racist cohorts, and more. I support folks (and myself) in finding ways to slow down and settle back…the opposite directions of this current time of fast and ever upwards. I seek out teachers and elders of different traditions that can help me remember my own connections to indiginous wisdom. I spend time walking and sitting and talking to the river, the rocks, the sage, the raven and all the kin that surround me. I say prayers of thanks and blessings every morning. 

What do you do? What might you consider doing? Let me know.


May we remember our minuscule and tremendous place in the web of life and live accordingly 

May we reclaim the wisdom of our ancestors and unite it with the current needs of our Souls

May we trust that no act or word of grace and kindness is too small to matter

May we bring wild blessings and fierce love to all we encounter

Practice Prompts:

  • What small yet potent actions can you take today and perhaps for the rest of your days to remember yourself and the world back to right relationship. Might you say thank you before each and every meal? Might you speak lovingly to the trees and the river and the deer and rabbit? What if you started your day with a prayer of remembrance of who came before and a prayer of blessing for those around you suffering?
  • Consider gathering with folks for some time every month or week for time to just be and foster community and connection. This could be in your home if you have the space or outside if the weather permits.
  • Take some time to research the land you occupy and acknowledge those who walked this land before you, human and more than human. Take some time to research your own ancestry and see if there are any books or activities that might reconnect you to the remembering of what it means to be deeply in relationship with the world around you in the way your people knew. Or simply read some historical fiction of your peoples or periods that inspire you.
  • I offer one to one sessions, in-person in Bend, Oregon, and virtually all over the world. These sessions are centered on supporting you find nervous system capacity and resiliency through various practices including but not limited to Somatic Experiencing®, Continuum Inquiry and various emboding practices.  Please email me or schedule a free 20 minute Exploratory Session.

Practice Opportunities:

Inspirational Wisdom:


Today I will praise.
I will praise the sun
For showering its light
On this darkened vessel.
I will praise its shine.
Praise the way it wraps
My skin in ultraviolet ultimatums
Demanding to be seen.
I will lift my hands in adoration
Of how something so bright
Could be so heavy.
I will praise the ground
That did not make feast of these bones.
Praise the casket
That did not become a shelter for flesh.
Praise the bullets
That called in sick to work.
Praise the trigger
That went on vacation.
Praise the chalk
That did not outline a body today.
Praise the body
For still being a body
And not a headstone.
Praise the body,
For being a body and not a police report
Praise the body
For being a body and not a memory
No one wants to forget.
Praise the memories.
Praise the laughs and smiles
You thought had been evicted from your jawline
Praise the eyes
For seeing and still believing.
For being blinded from faith
But never losing their vision
Praise the visions.
Praise the prophets
Who don’t profit off of those visions.
Praise the heart
For housing this living room of emotions
Praise the trophy that is my name
Praise the gift that is my name.
Praise the name that is my name
Which no one can plagiarize or gentrify
Praise the praise.
How the throat sounds like a choir.
The harmony in your tongue lifts
Into a song of adoration.
Praise yourself
For being able to praise.
For waking up,
When you had every reason not to.

~ Angelo ‘Eyeambic’ Geter


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