Sacred Thread Update: January New Moon 2019 Edition

Hello Wild Beings of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul- Blessings on this, the first New Moon of the year. May the ever cycling process of waxing and waning become your guide.  We are rhythmic beings. We beat and wave and pulse and throb…we undulate, flow and splash. All this movement is the root of our…

Sacred Thread Update: January Full Moon Wisdom

What is the great labor? Out-circling interest, sympathy, empathy, Transference of focus from the self to all else: the merging of the lonely single self with the wondrous, never-lonely entirety. This is all. Experience only is the successful persuader. ~ Mary Oliver When death comes – Like an iceberg between the shoulder blades, I want…

Sacred Thread Update: December Edition

Hello Dear Ones- This year has been deeply challenging for so many in multiple ways. I know that I am not alone in yearning for this year to be over in hopes that the new year will bring a freshness and possibility that seems to be lost right now. Whether we acknowledge the arrival of the new year…

Sacred Thread Update: November Edition

Hello Dear Ones- Kayf haal-ik? This beautiful greeting in Arabic asks… How is your heart, right now, in this moment? What is the current state of your soul and how are you managing? Truly, I wish to know. My heart is heavy. It seems perpetually heavy these days as if it has somehow grown in capacity and at the same time taken on…

Sacred Thread Update: October Edition

Hello Dear Ones- October is my birthday month. I turn 49 in a few days and enter into my 50th year. This feels significant, potent and powerful. The past decade, not to mention the past year, has been challenging on many fronts and I feel a big birthing taking place. I have a sense how…

Yes, I teach yoga

I am tired. Tired of constantly defining what I offer as a yoga teacher in negative terms. Yes, I am a yoga teacher, no, I don’t teach hot yoga, fast yoga, or yoga for your butt. Yoga is now a common term in our language and as such has certain associations that come with it.…

Our Sense-able Body

In my last post I said that I would rather show up in my body, with all it’s challenges, to heal and be present than dissociate. This is an ongoing learning and as I become more comfortable being in my body I am discovering my sensible self. This is not the pragmatic and rational part…

Authentically Inhabiting This Body

So I am embarking on a journal of sorts, as that is really what a blog is; a place to share thoughts and insights, a place to ponder and transmit. I find myself a little reticent to put myself out there, into the ether of the internet, and yet it seems like a good way…


* Musings on living with a body
* Simple practices for enlivening your being
* Upcoming events

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